last sun, first stars

the boy sat on top of the dune
his legs folded together
the wind singing in his ears

sand shone in the air
prism particles refracting
the light of the double setting sun

once every four hundred years
the two suns fell together
below the blue horizon

in an oscillating wave of green
cutting the sky from the land
where the boy sat on his dune

he sat and watched while
the wind sang in whispers
of dancing sand and burning green light

and when the last light had faded
and the wind fell in hushed silence
the sky filled with stars the boy had never seen

three years in the cave

our eyes were full
of wonder

when we first came into
the world

but now we have grown
heavy with

what we have seen

our eyelids have shut
into a half-sleep

and the wonder we once
looked upon

is no longer a miracle

so we close our eyes
and we

look into the darkness
until the light

bursts forth from
the inward world of ourselves

we look into these depths
and we

learn process digest

looking into the wonder
we see

until we can look out

winding winds

between the shallow waters
and the deep hollows
of the mountains

the wind whistles
in yelps and howls
taking its time

up and down in
sessions of intensity
whispering through

the courtyards of stone
the winding rivers
and palaces of green

when our wheels spin

when our wheels spin
within themselves
forever in motion

we no longer seek
the drive and hunger
of the constant spin

the electric hum
the symphony of grinding
gears on gears

turning wheels in
oily machinations
shouts of metal on metal

when we now
are set in motion
we drift in currents

we are flown by winds
and carried by waves
rocked and swayed

in rhythms older than
the inception of memory
and alive with

a primordial pulse
the expansive breath
of creation’s dawn